Monday, October 22, 2012
10:11 AM

GTA 5 Official Facebook Page Launched, Rockstar Explains Lack of Game Info

Rockstar Games has just launched the official Grand Theft Auto 5 Facebook page ahead of the game's big splash in next month's issue of Game Informer.
The official page will see the release of all big announcements, trailers and information about the game as Rockstar disseminates the information in the near future.
On Rockstar's official Facebook page, the studio noted that it has adopted separate Facebook pages for each game in the Rockstar catalogue—from GTA 1 to Red Dead Redemption and the upcoming GTA 5.
Responding to the fans who wondered why so little info about the game has been released, a Rockstar community manager wrote on the official website that Rockstar "have always and will always release game info at our own schedule. There have been long gaps between trailer releases and information in the past on many of our games. We just last week let you know about GAme informer's forthcoming cover story in early November so please just be patient."
Apart from the game's setting and a few screenshots which the studio released over the past few months, little else is known about Grand Theft Auto 5 or the platforms it's planned to be released on. We'll keep you abreast with information about the game as it becomes available.


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